3/29/2017 0 Comments Getting a third Ghostbusters film off the ground seemed like an impossible task. One of those films doomed to be stuck in production for years.I feel like at least twice a year from 2010 onwards I was reading how a script was in the works or how Bill Murray was possibly interested. Some of the ideas that surfaced sounded really good as well (One was the Ghostbusters go to Hell!) yet nothing seemed to be able to get this ghost train going. However, I wasn't losing any sleep reading all this. Why not? The answer's simple: I don't want another Ghostbusters movie.
It's not hard to see my point of view on this really and I think a lot of people share it. It's why I think that there is a boom in comic book movies. Because they are the only original ideas Hollywood is putting out at the moment. Now for a while it wasn't known what Ghostbusters was going to be. After all, if it isn't a reboot or a re-make, it's another fucking sequel. I don't know which word sends more shivers down my spine when I hear it. Yeah, I know the new Mad Max was amazing but the likelihood of these film studios getting it right is the same odds as Eric Trump not posthumously turning out to be a date rapist. The new DIE HARD ironically made all its viewers wishing that sentiment towards the writers and studio behind it. The latest Terminator installment more or less Terminated itself and probably won't "be back". The Track record for reboots/remakes is no better than the sexual profiles of radio presenters at the BBC in the 1960's. Total Recall? The film distributors should have done just that. Nightmare on Elm Street was anything but a dream for the originals fans and did anyone go to see The Karate Kid in 2010? Then in 2014 it turned out that the studio had locked down a script, director and then a cast. I was mortified. This was sacrilege. Although I never got everyone's issue with it being an all female cast. What did that have to do with anything? I didn't want this film to be made in any way, shape or form. I felt like a vegan amongst a group of meat eaters who were all kicking off about Halal. Me - "I'm here because I disagree with animals being killed for food. End of." Majority of internet - "I'm here because I want my animals to be slaughtered the British way." Me -"Sorry, what!?" The actors being male or female wasn't going to take away from my firm belief that you can't re-do these films. But I digress, the point was now, there was a ticking time bomb. There was an end date. The studio was tight lipped for the most part of the year, which I wasn't complaining. I kept praying every day I would wake up to see the headline "GHOSTBUSTERS FILM ON HIATUS", or something to that effect. Alas to no avail. Until finally, just recently, the trailer dropped. I sat there in front of my computer, mouse hovering over the link. Do I watch this? If I ignore it, will it go away? For whatever sadistic, twisted reason, I decided to watch it...and... It completely changed my mind. Yes, you read that right. I am now, all for a new Ghostbusters film. Unfortunately it isn't this one. You see, the trailer opened my ignorant eyes to the fact that, remakes and reboots can actually be done well. What I saw between the awful pacing of the trailer and the fall flat lines of "comedy", was that the potential is there. We have much better camerawork, lighting and cinematography now compared to the early 80's. We have great CGI and animatronic technology now too. All's we need is the right script, which isn't an impossible feat at all. Just like my TalkNerdyUK buddy Chris going to seances and ghost hunts, I too want to believe and put my faith back into Hollywood. This film will come out and it will be okay at best, but that's okay. The same happened with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Superman. They didn't tick all the boxes we wanted but we, and others, saw the potential. Now we have Batman v Superman coming out and you can't tell me that the trailer for the Turtles sequel didn't get you excited. By all rights I never thought I'd be saying that. Just like I never thought I'd be saying "I can't wait until they make a new Ghostbusters". A sequel will be planned and someone will take the reins and steer it in a fantastic direction. Then in the run up to its release, I'll wake up one day to a new Ghostbusters trailer. Except this time, I'll watch it without hesitation. I ain't afraid of no trailer.
AuthorBy Jay Burdett |